EAF was founded to help Africans rise above hunger and poverty for good. We know what it feels like to be hungry and broke, to have potentials and dreams but not be able to kickstart the process of achieving them; to desire and not be able to attain them. Deep in our hearts is a passion to ensure that people don’t go through strain and frustration when we can help them. Many tribes, cultures and backgrounds are represented in our team, bringing in a diversity of ideas, which has led to a broader understanding of the African people, and how to better navigate our campaign to reach and raise them out of hunger and poverty.
LEARN MORE ABOUT USEAF was founded to help Africans rise above hunger and poverty for good. We know what it feels like to be hungry and broke, to have potentials and dreams but not be able to kickstart the process of achieving them; to desire and not be able to attain them. Deep in our hearts is a passion to ensure that people don’t go through strain and frustration when we can help them. Many tribes, cultures and backgrounds are represented in our team, bringing in a diversity of ideas, which has led to a broader understanding of the African people, and how to better navigate our campaign to reach and raise them out of hunger and poverty. Learn more about us here